Beautiful location, great for the course and great for relaxation.


Beautiful location, great for the course and great for relaxation. 〰️

Take the first steps to changing your life

Discover your leadership potential

Harnessing the power of drama to help young and old alike with Dr Sue Jennings.

Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Learn and develop your art in the perfect light with which Naxos is blessed.

Come and be inspired to write songs.

Unlock your voice and find your confidence, power and impact through our innovative course

workshops or people who have always wanted to sing, but hadn’t found the confidence to do so

Whether you’ve never acted before or have some experience come and learn the skills that professional actors use

Improve your communications skills with one of our innovative courses

με τον Κινητήρα Συντονίζουν η Αντιγόνη Γύρα και η Άννα Τσίχλη Μπουασσοννά

Mindfulness and Relaxation

Click on any of the options above to find out what’s available for you & when

Don’t Forget: 10% off your first course if you sign up to our newsletter

 how would you feel being on the beautiful and tranquil island of Naxos? meet new people, eat well and enjoy the sunshine?